Sunday, January 7, 2007


Clarity: Clearness, Lucidity, Visibility, Sharpness...

Our goal in viewing reality in order to affect it is to be clear and lucid, seeing with sharpness of mind.

Unfortunately, in teaching the techniques I use to affect reality, I find that it's clarity which is the big detractor. Countless people have said to me that they just can't figure out when their brains are "in Theta".

Let's do a few things to provide some clarity.

First, remember that you're not in your body. Think of yourself as being a living piece of reality. You actually ARE part of everything. The part of everything that sees itself as separate, uses your mind as a hand to manipulate and explore the rest of you. If you were a drop of water in an ocean, your mind would be part of you that draws the line between you and the rest of the ocean.

I'm thinking of a very specific color as I write this. What color am I thinking of?

Yes, I wrote this in the past as far as you're concerned. You'll have to visit the past (MY past) to discern the answer. How will you do that?

You'll make your mind quiet. Let go of all thoughts that bounce through your perception. Don't think you have to banish thought, just let thoughts slip away when you find them. You can help to rid yourself of other thoughts by thinking as clearly and loudly as possible, "The color that Kevin was thinking about when he wrote that post is---" Concentrate on the answer.

Your mind is traveling through time and space to find the answer.

I've let a huge wave of thought go from here into the ocean. I'm broadcasting it loud. You should be able to find it.

You are focusing your mind to a specific task. You're ignoring as much as possible all outside physical influence, and all other thoughts. You are searching through the ocean for a flash of color, a long, solid thought that was let loose from this moment of writing.

Try and do this with as little effort as possible. Just think about what color I'm thinking of, and as much of nothing else as possible. You'll probably second, third, and seventh guess yourself. If this happens, just relax.

If you need to give yourself a familiar place to "see" with your mind, picture a movie, tv, or computer screen in your mind's eye, and project upon that screen, your thoughts about what color I'm thinking of. Let the colors run across the screen as they come, but keep thinking that you want to know the exact color I was thinking when I wrote this.

Listen for words in your head.

Thoughts are vocalized in our brain. We recognize when we're thinking, when we're talking to ourselves. Listen to yourself. Listen to those thoughts that slide so easily through your mind, that you barely recognize they are there. Find them, honor them, but if they're not helping you in this task, let them slide on by.

You are using your mind now, to find a fairly obscure bit of information. But you can find it.

Please try now to find out what color I'm thinking of. Be gentle. Be aware.


You may not get the color.

This is not the importance of the excercise, however.

What I want you to learn from seeking out the color I'm thinking about, is where you see with your mind. While you tick through colors, and let go of thoughts, you are focusing your mind. You are learning how it operates. You're stretching it, and moving it, and letting it slip back to its preferred position aftward.

If you had no idea where your hand was, but you knew you could use it to feel things, after a time or two of feeling things, you'd probably discover the location of your hand. After you know where it is, you must use it consciously to use it dexterously. Don't expect to be playing guitar the day after you learn that you can wiggle your fingers, either.

Find your mind.

Unfortunately, I can't just point to it. You must learn where it is, and where it is is everywhere. So you have to learn how to feel it, how to use it. You've got to start touching some things, bumping up against boundaries, plucking at the random strings of reality, until you can wiggle your fingers just right.

By putting you through excercises, I help you to flex your mind muscle. By flexing it, you'll find it.

As I said, I feel my mind in my head, my heart, and all around me. I focus in on different pieces of it to use it constructively. You do this, too, you just need to recognize it.

See if you can learn what color I was thinking of. See if it comes to you quickly, or if it takes some time. Remember, you're traveling through time and space to get the answer, it could take a while for you to do. You may quit, only to have the color come to you later in the day, while you're doing something else.

At any rate, it will help you practice, and go a long way toward locating just where it is that you see and feel with your mind.

Leave some comments, let me know what color you found I was thinking of. Let me know if my analogies are crazy and vague. This stuff sometimes gets a little "automatic writing-like" when I start going. Channeled from ME.

I hope this helps.


karen said...


Kevin Shamel said...

Not yellow....

Jenn Robinson said...

Was it red?

Vivienne said...

Purple/mauvish. Above blue, beside/below pink.

magenpie said...
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magenpie said...

I got white..

Kevin Shamel said...

It was blue. Aquamarine, exactly. Okay, got another...

Spill it! said...
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C said...

i know nothing about remote viewing, im sure it is real, i been thinking about it for months, on the morning i found a link, that probes me that my thought is real, i want to learn how to control my mind (because my mind doesnt control me, or it does?)
i thought of white and orange, while i was reading this post.

can you teach me how to "remote view" or can you tell me more about this.